Quality Assurance Engineers

Quality Assurance as Service – QAAS

–Improved productivity

–Maximized Quality of the project

–Optimized Software Standards

Quality Assurance Engineers

Quality Assurance as Service – QAAS

Why it’s important to identify weaknesses and inconsistencies in the product at all project stages?


How QAAS by Absolute Solutions will help you start with quality to reach a destination that will be excellence. 

In a ruthless market for software development, if you are not meeting the standard quality of the products, nothing can save you in the top slot. On the other hand, concept and design cannot justify any structural flaws that would have been avoided easily. Still, there is an effective method to ensure the targeted or planned quality. The quality assurance (QA) professionals will handle all the tasks and fix the issues before problems get more prominent. Investing in quality assurance is indispensable in many industries today, but choose your helping hand wisely. 

Absolute Solutions is all set to present quality assurance as service (QAAS) because we have created a framework that strikes the right balance between processes and progress without compromising flexibility. We will assure you that we focus on quality products with numberless testing methods. 

Core Benefits:

Defects free production

No rework needed

Time and cost-saving


Sustained quality

Early error detection

Parallel Reporting

Flexible Testing Services

Optimized Software Standards

Quality Assurance As A Service Demo

Let us serve you, but why?

Industry Standard QA Process

Quality Metrics

Test Documentation

Quality checklist

On point customer satisfaction

Fully trained QA team

Some Frequently Asked Questions

How our QA engineers will transfer the excellent quality?

  • In our QA team, different people will play specific roles in which the following are on the top:
    • QA Manager: Responsible for the strategic implementation of testing, resource management, and the bureaucracy associated with their team and keeps an eye throughout the testing activity.
    • Senior QA Engineer/ Test Lead: This person will be responsible for the design of the test approach and supervise the successful execution of the quality assurance process.
    • Intermediate QA Engineer: this person will create test scenarios for defined areas based on a test design and execute the test cases.
    • Junior SQA Engineer: this person assists intermediate QA Engineers to run some primary test cases only that have been created by someone else.

What kind of different test planning do we apply?

  • Following are the different types of testing we apply:
    • Smoke Test Planning 
    • System/Functional Test Planning
    • Integration Test Planning
    • Minimum Acceptance Planning: MAT 
    • Security & Ethical hacking Tests 
    • Performance Test planning 
    • Regression Test Planning 
    • Negative Test Planning 
    • Browser Compatibility Test 
    • Shipment Assurance Test Planning: SAT 
    • Progression Test & UAT

How do our QA engineers ensure the security of software?

  • The software has to undergo various vigorous security checks to keep the security factor more than higher to prevent data breaching and data loss issues. A software would only be declared secure if it passes the following vulnerability checks:
    • Password Cracking
    • URL Manipulations through HTTP GET methods
    • Checking for cross-site scripting
    • SQL Injections

What are our standards of excellence in QAAS?

Contact Us Now!

+1 (516) 789-0352

available from 10:00 – 19:00

Address: Dabbab Street Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Email: salesksa@ab-sol.net

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